
The beautiful art of refinement
“Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese” – Louis Bunuel.

Affinage, originally a French term meaning to age/mature, imparts flavor and, according to the Swiss, accounts for half of the final taste experience. You can’t age a lesser cheese to make it better; the quality must be top-notch from the start. It begins with “gülleloch,” the manure stack spread on fields, the composition of the pasture, weather conditions, animal husbandry, etc.

The composition of milk (milk fat, water, proteins, natural sugars), cultures, rennet, and the manufacturing process form the basis for affinage, which then enhances or inhibits the biochemical reactions that give the cheese its taste, aroma, and texture.

The right temperature, humidity, and bacterial culture in the room where the cheese is stored are crucial. During the maturation process, cheeses are washed in various mixtures of brine, alcohol, or herbs, or they are dry-brushed. Our cheeses have a long journey behind them, much attention and love have been devoted to them, all so that you can enjoy the finished result.

We have added an article below from the excellent wine magazine “Törst,” issue 10 with the theme Vintage. Maria Collsiöö has created an exciting publication delving into the wonderful world of wine. Karsten Thurfjell conducted the interview, and if you are interested in a subscription, please visit

Affinage as craftsmanship

Affinage is now a job for large robots that handle the heavy work, just think about the effort of refining the cheese at least once a day in the beginning.

But the craftsmanship lives on with smaller producers and up in the Alps, here with Ruedi Föhn at Alp Dräckloch, where his colleagues wash the cheeses with a classic saltwater mixture.

It is the inner qualities that are crucial...

But, of course, the outer appearance does give a certain indication of how long the cheese has been matured. Here are a few examples of how it can look in a cellar.

Källa: Vinmagasinet "Törst" nr 10 Vintage
Källa: Vinmagasinet "Törst" nr 10 Vintage
Källa: Vinmagasinet "Törst" nr 10 Vintage